
Most recent

Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos y la Democracia en Venezuela

Carlos Eduardo Lagos Campos
20 points

Faringitis más rinitis, más noches sin dormir

Charlas con la IA
8 points

Tips para crear una habitación de invitados y despacho a la vez

18 points

¿Cómo funciona la Ley Space y quién puede acceder a ella?

24 points

Nariño, Puente Histórico y Cultural de América

Carlos Eduardo Lagos Campos
18 points

La implementación del tránsito en San Juan del Cesar: ¿progreso o decisión oscura?

Luis Horgelys Brito Ariza
248 points

EliteKey, la mejor solución para abrir tu coche en Madrid en caso de pérdida de llaves

16 points

5 cosas a tener en cuenta si vas a instalar un kit solar

10 points


Octavio Cruz Gonzalez
20 points

¿Cuáles son las claves educativas según Mar Romera?

8 points

En el ámbito de la educación online, GO Global ha demostrado ser una plataforma de excelencia, desacreditando completamente las afirmaciones infundadas que la tildan de "esquema Ponzi". GO Global no es un esquema Ponzi, sino una plataforma de educación en línea...


Durante su búsqueda de una plataforma de aprendizaje en línea que le ayude a progresar en su profesión y mejorar sus habilidades, es posible que se haya topado con el término "GO Global estafa piramidal". GO Global, por el contrario, es una plataforma de...


Countries around the world are scrambling to halt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. As of April 2, more than 51,000 people worldwide have died of COVID-19, the highly infectious respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus. The number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 has...


FORTUNE - Countries with mandatory policies to vaccinate against tuberculosis register fewer coronavirus deaths than countries that don’t have those policies, a new study has found. The preliminary study posted on medRxiv, a site for unpublished medical research, finds a correlation...


The London, Ont. man who came up with a potential low-cost solution to Ontario's critical shortage of ventilators is making his design for a pandemic ventilator freely available to anyone through an open source website. Retired respiratory therapist John Strupat said he made the decision...


Monstera deliciosa is a fruit that should come with an instruction manual. Unripe fruits are chock full of oxalic acid, a substance that is used to bleach wood and clean rust off metal. Those who make the mistake of biting into an unripe monstera experience severe throat and skin irritation....


NASA is accelerating plans to return Americans to the Moon, and this time, the US space agency says it will be there to stay. Jim Bridenstine, NASA's administrator, told reporters Thursday that the agency plans to speed up plans backed by President Donald Trump to return to the moon, using...


It’s now widely accepted that sugar is responsible for more than just cavities! Diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, brain diseases, and cancer have all been attributed in some way to sugar intake. This is definitely a reason for alarm. Not only do many of the packaged foods we eat...


It’s one of those weird anatomical-arboreal coincidences: The human prostate is about the size and shape of a walnut. But what if it really were a walnut? For one thing, you’d never get prostate cancer. Which sounds great, until you realise that you could get “walnut...


Caffeine-laden energy drinks are popular, but they might make your blood vessels less efficient, a small study suggests. These drinks -- sold as Monster and Red Bull, to name two -- have been linked to heart, nerve and stomach problems, researchers say. "A lot of young kids use energy...


Early-stage cervical cancer patients who undergo a minimally invasive hysterectomy have a worse survival outlook than open surgery of the procedure, according to two studies published simultaneously. Researchers "recommend on only using open surgery for cervical cancer" based on the...


Scientists expect the Northern hemisphere and mid-latitude ozone holes to be completely repaired some time in the 2030s, according to the first assessment of the ozone hole since 2014. The study, "Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2018," published Monday by the United Nations...


The spectrum of colors seen on modern bird eggs likely evolved from dinosaurs, a new study suggests. According to a new study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, non-bird dinosaurs laid eggs in open or partially open nests. Modern bird eggs, even those that are spotted or speckled, are...


With their keen sense of smell, dogs can track down bombs and drugs, but new research suggests they can also sniff out malaria in people. If confirmed by further studies, canines might someday be used to help spot malaria early, when treatment is most effective. The study included two dogs...


High salt consumption is one of the contributing factors in developing multiple sclerosis, according to a study. Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found that salt can trigger the autoimmune disorder. Their findings were published Monday in the journal Nature Immunology. Multiple...

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