Doing this exercises you can reduce sugar cravings


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It’s now widely accepted that sugar is responsible for more than just cavities! Diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, brain diseases, and cancer have all been attributed in some way to sugar intake. This is definitely a reason for alarm. Not only do many of the packaged foods we eat contain large amounts of sugar, but studies have shown sugar to have similar addictive qualities to that of opiate drugs. Regardless of your intentions to quit sugar, willpower might not be enough. Here are some simple exercises to reduce sugar cravings and get off of sugar.

Doing this exercises you can reduce sugar cravings

Increase Your Energy Levels with Exercise

One reason we crave sugar is that we are lacking energy. While exercise may be the last thing you feel like doing when your energy levels are low, regular exercise can actually increase your energy levels naturally, as well as providing a welcome distraction from your cravings. Exercise will also help you to feel good about your body, which will encourage you to reduce sugar cravings. Try this 4 min routine you can do anywhere.

Take a Hot Shower

Some people who experience sugar cravings have found that hot showers or baths provide relief. The water must be hot, not so hot that you burn your skin but hot enough that it’s on the verge of feeling uncomfortable. Let the water run over your back and shoulders so that it heats you up. Stay there at least 5–10 minutes. By the time you step out of the shower, you are likely to have a “dazed” feeling, as if you’ve been sitting in a sauna for a long time. At that point, your craving will most likely be gone.

Manage Your Magnesium Levels

Craving chocolate in particular? This reaction may be particularly common among people deficient in the magnesium. Reduce Sugar cravings by eating plenty of magnesium-rich food by trying these recipes.

Create a Backup Plan

If sugar cravings feel uncontrollable, think proactively about what kind of distraction will help you overcome them. Eat a piece of fruit. Go for a walk. Listen to some music. Call or text a friend. Read a fun article, do some squats. Knowing what we’re going to do ahead of time is what makes all the difference.

Boost Your Happiness Levels

Eating carbohydrates trigger the release of happy hormone serotonin in the brain, which is why we often crave sweet treats when we are feeling down or in need of comfort. To boost your serotonin levels naturally, try using mood-boosting essential oils such as neroli and lemon or spending time in the sunshine.

Ditch Diet Drinks

Diet drinks may seem like the ideal solution for those battling sugar cravings. However, while diet drinks may be low in calories. Diet drinks can actually increase your waist circumference and lead to weight gain, which is believed to be because artificial sweeteners trigger appetite and can actually exacerbate sugar cravings as your body craves the “real thing”.

In conclusion, sugar cravings are hard to fight but we can all do it and should do it.

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