5 Healthy, easy and filling snacks ideas


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I always try to eat healthy, but I'm not gonna lie to you guys, sometimes it can be complicated, especially beacuse between meals we always have certain cravings, so... For those moments where we do not want to fall into the emptyness of junk food, I'm gonna show you what I do almost every single day.

5 Healthy, easy and filling snacks ideas

Here it is: 5 healthy and easy, and most important of all filling snacks ideas, check this out.

1) Jam Yogurt

Mix 1 Tbsp jam with 1 container nonfat plain Greek yogurt.

2) Protein Trail Mix

Combine 2 cups air-popped popcorn + 2 Tbsp roasted peanuts + 2 Tbsp roasted edamame

3) PB Banana Freeze

Cut 1 banana lengthwise, spread 1 tsp natural peanut butter on each side, sandwich together, wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for 4 hours

4) Celery with Cream Cheese

Spread 1 Tbsp reduced-fat cream cheese on each of 4 celery stalks.

5) Nutty Apples

Slice 1 apple and serve with 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter (or any other nut or seed butter).

Did you like this snacks tips?, Bet you didn't know a few of them did you?

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