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Seguimos viviendo

El diario de Enrique
8 points

El deseo todo lo puede

El diario de Enrique
8 points

Descubre cómo disfrutar de Anguilla en un fin de semana

Viajes y turismo
30 points


Octavio Cruz Gonzalez
12 points

Mamá: Abrázame que aún te extraño

El diario de Enrique
8 points

Bayetas y esponjas para la limpieza de la cocina a examen pues acumulan un sinfín de bacterias

18 points

Consulta y colaboración: La base para el desarrollo turístico de Bogotá

40 points

Pure Storage nombra a Joao Silva como vicepresidente para Europa, Medio Oriente, África y América La

Patricia Amaya Comunicaciones
16 points

Tasas bajas y ajustes a modelo de preasignación de vivienda prioritaria reactivarían el sector: Grup

Patricia Amaya Comunicaciones
8 points

Evento anual British Council Partner Schools 2024: liderazgo reflexivo en la era de la IA

38 points


Your metabolism plays an important role in your body’s ability to convert the food you eat into energy, and you’ve probably alternatively loved and hated it at different times in your life. But while you likely take your metabolism for granted when it’s working well, you can...


The human body is truly amazing, but also a little creepy. Check out the following facts: 1. Creepy crawlies There are mites in your eyelashes. These are called Demodex folliculorum and are parasites which live on hair follicles. Do you often have a twitchy eye? This is probably caused by...


Women are more likely to have asthma than men, and though sex hormones have been suspected as one reason why, just how they might be affecting asthma risk has been something of a mystery. Testosterone may help protect men against asthma, according to a paper published Tuesday in Cell Reports....


How To Grow Beard Faster For Teenagers In Urdu * Grow Beard Tips In Urdu { DARHI }


Drinking just a couple beers throughout the week may be hurting your health more than you think: Even moderate drinking can damage your brain, new research from the University of Oxford in the UK suggests. In the study, researchers recruited 550 people, tracked their weekly alcohol intake and...


This month, credit ratings agencies declared Venezuela in default on part of its massive foreign debt. That was bad news of course for the socialist regime. And some economists say it's helping send an already wrecked Venezuelan economy to life support. At the start of this month, you...


Now one of the issues us have is that we just don’t know how to talk about our health. If we have man flu we tend to announce it to the world as we are just shy of dying and, as a result no kids will be washed and housework, well you can forget about that, its the couch and hot whiskeys for...


The slowdown in Earth's rotation could trigger a "swarm of devastating earthquakes" next year, scientists warned. Although, they argued, such variations in rotation are minimal, they could involve the release of large amounts of underground energy. Experts from the...


A little spit may help predict whether a child's concussion symptoms will subside in days or persist for weeks. A test that measures fragments of genetic material in saliva was nearly 90 percent accurate in identifying children and adolescents whose symptoms persisted for at least a month,...


Dafne Almazán is the youngest psychologist to graduate with thirteen years. Now, with just 16, she has decided to dedicate her life to education, in particular to the diagnosis of gifted girls and young women in order to educate them and encourage them to achieve their goals. In an...




An international team of scientists from the European Southern Observatory, together with NASA astronomers, have discovered a temperate planet the size of Earth, located 11 light years from the Solar System. This planet has been named Ross 128 b, and was discovered in an orbit that revolves...


Some mothers feel uncomfortable because of the marks that the pregnancy left on their body but that does not have to be the case. This girl wanted to fight against that feeling by explaining that each brand is a reminder of our value as mothers. When her son Archer asked about the marks on her...

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