Wrap your leg in cabbage for 1 hour can help with joint pain


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Cabbage has long been known for its healthy and nutritional properties. The vegetable has both a low calorie content and is packed with vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin K.

 Wrap your leg in cabbage for 1 hour can help with joint pain

Cabbage has been used for centuries, not just as a food, but also to treat swelling and bruising. Studies from the University of North Carolina have also shown that cabbage has properties that can combat cancer.

Cabbage contains essential phytonutrients, anthocyanins (an antioxidant) and glutamine (an amino acid). All of these have anti-inflammatory properties, which is very advantageous in the treatment of pain and swelling in joints. Some also claim that it can provide relief for osteoarthritis.

As it turns out, these incredible nutrients can be put to good use to treat sore joints. Here's how.

You need:

Green cabbage (red cabbage can also, according to some, be good, but be careful as it may stain).
Aluminum foil
A rolling pin
Bandage or gauze

How to:

1. Remove the outer leaves and rinse well. Dry and cut out the hard part of the stalk.

2. Use a rolling pin to thing the cabbage down so that it begins to release its healing juices.

3. Wrap the leaves in the foil and heat in the oven for a few minutes until the cabbage is hot. Apply it to the affected area and secure the bandage or gauze.

4. Let sit for about an hour and repeat the procedure three times a day. It is important that you rinse off every time.

If you prefer a cold compress, you can follow the same instructions but place the the cold leaves in the fridge for a while before applying it on the body. Effects from the cabbage bandage are said to take effect the next day.

Although it's very rare for people to be sensitive to cabbage, remove the pad immediately if you experience discomfort or itching.

Remember that while this can be helpful, it's always wise to consult a doctor if you suffer from serious problems.

Fuente: en.newsner.com
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