Dog Goes Out To Pee, Accidentally Runs Half Marathon, Finishes 7th


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While the vast majority of us can’t claim to have accidentally run a half marathon, two-and-a-half-year-old bloodhound Ludivine just did exactly that.

Dog Goes Out To Pee, Accidentally Runs Half Marathon, Finishes 7th

Prone to exploring Elkmont – the small town where she lives – by herself, when her owner April Hamlin let her out for a wee, Ludivine slipped out of her garden, and found her way (by chance) to the start of a half marathon.

Enthusiastic, excited by all the activity, Ludivine then proceeded to run the whole 13.1 miles along with the actual competitors.

As Tim Horvath, who spent most of the race running with Ludivine, told Runner’s World:

“One time she went over and met another dog next to the course. Later on, she went into a field with some mules and cows. Then she’d come back and run around our legs. I wondered if she was going to get tired or go back to wherever her home was.”
But Ludivine didn’t get tired. She finished the race, coming in seventh.

Owner April didn’t find out what Ludivine had been up to, until her friends spotted the dog, wearing a medal, at the end of the race.

“My first reaction was that I was embarrassed and worried that she had possibly gotten in the way of the other runners.”
April was also surprised that her dog had managed the whole race, admitting that she was usually quite lazy. In any case, Ludivine was pretty tired after the race:

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