Tattooing: the immune damage that nobody warns you


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To get tattoos without harming health, people take several steps before choosing a study; from corroborating the quality and sterilization of the material to be used until investigating the reputation of the establishment and the artistic ability of its tattoo artists

Tattooing: the immune damage that nobody warns you

However, that determination can cause complications in the immune system over the years, according to a group of German and French scientists, thanks to a synchrotron, the most advanced device available for the control of tissue nanoparticles.

The Effects of Tattoo Pigments on the Skin
In a study that has been published in Scientific Reports, a dependency of the journal Nature, the group of scientists explains the impact of the pigments of the ink used in tattoos, which contains soot, metal oxides and salts .

These substances are little or no toxic if they enter the organism orally. However, the immune response to certain coloring compounds usually results in a reddening of the skin which often lasts much longer than the reduced primary inflammation.

The altered zones showed an altered proportion of proteins and a high lipid presence, but the most significant was the accumulation of pigments in the lymph nodes.

As a result, the size of those lymph nodes increased and their organic molecules changed, and as scientists failed to observe the harmful nanoparticles coming out of the lymph flow, they thought they accumulated there for life.

The immune system perceives these metallic compounds as foreign bodies, so that permanent accumulation can produce "skin inflammations and other problems," summarizes the group of German-French scientists.

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