Relax, you can drink alcohol while you lose weight!


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Probably the number one fitness tip you get is to give up alcohol. But can you actually lose weight and still drink, because come on we need to have a life right?

Relax, you can drink alcohol while you lose weight!

Well yes, you can! in fact, research has shown that people who consume one or two drinks a day are less likely to gain weight.

Despite this good news, obviously removing alcohol from your diet will allow you achieve the best results. But if you are a normal human being, here are the best tips you can follow to lose weight and still drink alcohol.

Worst Drinks While Trying to Lose Weight

Avoid beers when on a diet


Stay away from the obvious sugary drinks such as cocktails, fruit juice or even creamy alcoholic drinks such as baileys. Sugar is hi glycemic carbohydrates that will ruin your weight loss journey. When your body takes in sugary carbs, your body just is not able to consume this amount of energy and as a result turns straight into fat. Exactly what you do not need when you are trying to loose weight.


Not only does the average beer contain at a minimum of 200-400 calories (The same as a weight loss meal) The wheat used in the production of beer causes an increase in estrogen. In men especially this can cause a reduction in testosterone and as a result decrease both the motivation to train as well as blunt your metabolism.

Best Drinks While Trying to Lose Weight


Whiskey is great for giving you the most amount of alcohol with the fewest calories. A standard shot of whiskey contains about 105 calories. Not bad, after a few of these you will be well on your way.

Best drink: Straight Measure, blokes recommended choice Irish Whiskey of course!


One shot of rum contains on average 97 calories with zero carbs and zero sugar. Making this one of the perfect drinks to have when on a diet.

Best drink: Rum and diet coke

Rather than your go-to rum and Coke, make it a diet to cut calories.


Gin is one of the best drinks to drink while on a diet as it has again zero carbs and only 110 calories per serving.

Best drink: Gin and Slimline Tonic!


Tequila has a mixed opinion among blokes, drink too many and you will be on the floor but on the other hand, this is a great party starter and only contains 105 calories. But don’t tell us we didn’t warn you, the average Margarita will set you back 600 calories. Have it straight up with the salt and a bit of lime.

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