Netflix will pay you $2,000 week to travel and take instagram photos


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If you're constantly posting photos of plump lobster rolls and gorgeous cityscapes on Instagram, then there's a good chance you're uniquely qualified for an actual job that will pay you thousands of dollars to travel around the world and keep doing what you do best. That's right, you can get real money and free travel -- just for taking Instagram photos.

Netflix will pay you $2,000 week to travel and take instagram photos

As in previous years, Netflix and Instagram are teaming up to hire what they call "Grammasters," or proven Instagram wizards who will be tasked with traveling to Europe and the Middle East to photograph sets of popular Netflix original shows and movies, according to the job description. Sure, it's no full-time dream job with salary and benefits, but the company will pay you $4,000 for the two-week gig and cover all of your travel arrangements... for taking good Instagram photos.

To apply for the 'gramming gig, all you have to do is follow @Netflix on Instagram and tag three of your best photos with #grammasters3 by March 6th. It's unclear exactly how Netflix will select candidates for the job, but the description vaguely states, "We’re looking for TV & movie fans with a talent for taking pictures. Choose photos that show off your interests or passions." So, basically, if your Instagram profile already looks like scenes out of "Marco Polo" or "Sense8" then you're probably in luck. Also, we're jealous.

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