This mom s punishment for her son is getting praise from all over the world

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One mom caught her son using his phone after bedtime, something he knew was against the rules. She grounded him. In order to end his punishment, he had to earn points.

This mom   s punishment for her son is getting praise from all over the world

500 whole points.

However, he could choose how to do it. His mother came up with a rather clever list containing a variety of household chores, each with a point value.

Here’s what she wrote:

You got grounded!!!
To get rid of your penalty, you must earn ___500_____ points.

Offense: _____ Playing on the mobile phone after bedtime _____

Write a nice letter to a family member = 10 points

Prepare and cook dinner = 50 points

1 load of laundry (get started, hang up, fold) = 100 points

Clean and organize a kitchen cupboard = 50 points per shelf

Empty the dishwasher = 25 points

Load the dishwasher = 25 points

Clean and wash off counters = 25 points

Clean out microwave = 40 points

Clean and vacuum the living room = 30 points

Sweep and mop kitchen = 30 points

Wash windows = 10 points per window

Water house plants = 10 points

Dust living room = 25 points

Clean bathroom (sink, toilet and floor) = 50 points

Take out trash (and rebag) = 10 points per garbage bag

Clean the litter box = 10 points

One thing is for sure, the family’s home is going to be very clean by the time the boy earns all his points.

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