Hate Practices, Russia, and the Trump Presidency

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(Image: Breitbart senior editor-at-large Joel Pollak said Trump was ‘absolutely correct’ to blame many sides following violence in Charlottesville. BRIAN VAN DER BRUG VIA GETTY IMAGES)

Hate Practices, Russia, and the Trump Presidency

The day before yesterday, Bannon met with billionaire Robert Mercer at his estate on Long Island estate for over five hours. They were planning their next move. Mercer and his daughter, Rebekah, are the agents who injected Bannon and Kellyanne Conway into Team Trump after they stopped backing Ted Cruz for the U.S. presidency. At the close of the long meeting between these two prime players in the Alt-Right’s co-opting of America and the Republican Party, it was resolved that Bannon would return to the pernicious Mercer-funded bastion of Anti-Semitism, Hate media and obfuscation, Breitbart News, as acting Chair. From this seat, he will continue the Alt-Right ‘full-on war’ (as they termed it) on the American Establishment, U. S. Institutions, “globalists,’ and moderate Republicans. The ideological place where Mercer, Bannon, Prince, Pence, the Koch Brothers, the De Voses and Conway, et al cohere? In their joined championing of “Judeo-Christian values.”

The current Senior Editor at Breitbart, Joel Pollak, who replaced Bannon during the 2016 campaign, is an Orthodox Jew who — like the Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi Jew, Stephen Miller — seems to have a bad case of American Stockholm Syndrome. His Jewish, Holocaust survivor-heavy neighbourhood was invaded by a Neo-Nazi KKK march when he was just a helpless, terrified child. Bizarrely, he has defended the right of white supremacists to demonstrate in Charlottesville precisely because Nazis were allowed to march through the neighbourhoods of Holocaust survivors. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that he grew up in Skokie, Illinois, a large Jewish community, “which at the time had the largest number of Holocaust survivors in the world.”

“The Nazis wanted to march through Skokie,” he said, “and the principle that was established in the court case that resulted from that was that the Nazis had the right to march in Skokie, even if they were going to provoke a lot of hurt feelings, and that’s the way the First Amendment works.” Pollak defended Trump’s original comments on the Nazis’ Hate Practices in Charlottesville, saying the First Amendment protects “hateful speech.” Pollak went on to accuse left-wing protest group Antifa of being opposed to this use of First Amendment rights, saying some of them arrived “armed” to the Nazi rally in Charlottesville. (Jasmin Gray, ‘Breitbart Editor Joel Pollak Uses Bizarre Nazi Analogy To Defend The Rights Of White Supremacists,’ HuffPost UK, 15/08/2017.)

The American Enterprise Institute, (AEI) and Young Americans Foundation, (YAF) is bankrolled by Charles and David Koch and Helen and Richard DeVos. Richard and Helen are the parents of Dick DeVos, husband to Betsy Prince DeVos, sister of Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater and mentor and benefactor (read “bankroller”) to Vice President Mike Pence. Robert and Rebekah Mercer are major contributors to the Young Americans Foundation (YAF), and wherever you find the Mercers you find the former Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and his production company, Glittering Steel. Glittering Steel has bankrolled different speakers on campuses, including Milo Yiannopoulos’ infamous engagement at Berkeley that predictably broke out into a riot. Glittering Steel is currently under investigation by the Secretary of State of the State of California for failure to register as a business entity. This complaint was only lodged after the fact, but could result in civil and criminal charges being brought against Bannon in its wake, for income tax evasion, among other things.

Who do Right Wing billionaires sponsor to speak on college campuses? One of the stars on the roster is eugenicist and hate-monger Charles Murray, author of “The Bell Curve,” who argues that inequality in income exists because white men are genetically superior to black people, Latinos, women and the poor. Not surprisingly he has been labeled a white nationalist by the Southern Poverty Law Center. University departments usually will not invite such obviously racist and discredited figures onto their campuses, but student chapters of the American Enterprise Institute are primed to make these invitations, while the AEI picks up the tab. Academics and alumni have united in pointing out that traditional free speech arguments fall flat in justifying university endorsements of White Supremacist propaganda, saying that Murray’s shoddy theories are “…the same thinking that motivates eugenics and the genocidal white supremacist ideologies, which are enjoying a popular resurgence under the new presidential administration.” (Alex Kotch, ‘How the right-wing Koch and DeVos families are funding hate speech on college campuses across the US,’ Alternet, Apr. 20, 2017)

The new presidential administration has also empowered the Young Americans Foundation which booked Ann Coulter to speak at Berkeley recently. The engagement was cancelled by the Berkeley administration because it was feared at another Yiannopoulous type incident would ensue. Coulter’s Hate Speech style, which compelled the administration’s decision, promotes regime change and genocide in non-Christian countries: “We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.” As an alumna of the YAF National Journalism Center’s internship program, she regularly makes headlines for her outrageous racist and anti-Muslim statements and writes for the white nationalist website.

Charles Koch poured over $142 million dollars into proselytizing their agenda. In response to fringe, far-right speakers often facing student protests, conservative legislators in many states are pushing ‘free speech’ legislation. Two think tanks funded in part by the Koch brothers and Robert Mercer created a model bill, on which many of the state bills are based, that calls for harsh penalties, including expulsion, for students who disrupt guest speaking events. Meanwhile, the same wealthy conservatives’ family foundations fund ideological higher ed programs that serve their business interests. From these programs, Koch-funded think tanks and political groups recruit their favorite students to join the Kochs’ mass libertarian sociopolitical movement.

“The Kochs may label themselves “libertarians” but that is a false front. The Kochs will co-sign anything that the Mercers and DeVos’ are on board for and that is a right wing evangelical dominionist oligarchy of billionaires, plain and simple.” Their plan is that the Kochs, Mercers, DeVos, and “their golden boy Bannon (and of course Mike Pence, let’s not forget him),” will ‘inherit the Earth.’ The “think tanks” that are placing hate-mongering propagandists on college campuses across the country are sponsored by the billionaires who have seized the reins of power in the U.S. government and the Republican Party. They have their figurehead in the White House and their top man, Steve Bannon, pulling the strings, even from outside the White House as the reinstated Chair of Breitbart, as per Mercer and Bannon’s agreement. “But the long game is to get the youth involved in their dominionist oligarchy agenda. They want to plant the seeds early and deeply so that they get a good, solid crop. They are twisting and debasing First Amendment rights in order to justify hate speech on college campuses.” (Alex Kotch, Alternet, Apr. 20, 2017)

The right-wing British politician Nigel Farage, and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are aligned with Mercer and the Koch Brothers in their love of Russian oligarchy and Putin. Farage led the Brexit campaign, which served Russia’s aim of weakening the European Union. Robert Mercer assisted that campaign by donating the services of his psychographic data-mining, voter & consumer behaviour-modification companies, London-based Cambridge Analytica and Victoria BC-based Aggregate IQ (of which Mercer owns the trademark Intellectual Property), an intrusion being investigated by British electoral authorities. Why does Mercer support Russian interference and graft? Because of Putin’s conservative autocratic/plutocratic/kleptocratic values, certainly, but more importantly because of his professed championing of ‘Judeo-Christian values’ and his ersatz Christian Orthodox faith.

Farage campaigned for Trump; like the president, he advocates closer relations with Russia. Farage is also connected to Assange, whose Wikileaks disseminated the e-mails stolen by Russia. Most recently, as reported in The Guardian, Farage was photographed leaving the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where Assange has taken refuge. These connections are what explain Trump’s otherwise inexplicable indifference to Russian meddling in the U.S. government.

Yesterday, August 18th, 2017, the day Bannon left the White House, Robert Mercer met with Trump for dinner at his golf resort in New Jersey, assuring him of his continued support, and of his and the De Vos dynasty’s (political arm Atlas Network/Evangelical arm Acton Institute) continued waging of the battle against Trump’s “enemies,” within and without the White House. The battle will be waged in his own justifiably paranoid Administration, across a trembling America, and around the world, because cyber-warfare heeds no bounds.

Meanwhile, Norman Lear won’t attend a reception given in his own honour with the president in attendance, the Mayor of Phoenix, Greg Stanton, doesn’t want the president in his city and has told him not to come, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, doesn’t want the U.S. president to be permitted into Britain, the CEOs of the commerce development advisory board quit en masse, and so did the directors and advisory of the council on the Arts and Humanities, and Heather Heyer’s bereaved mother will not now accept a meeting with the president of her country even if he were to crawl on his hands and knees through broken glass to procure one.
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