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Kane, the husky, has come a long way. It all started with his previous family who was a Marine couple. They were extremely abusive to the pup. His teeth were rotten, his back legs broken and he had scarred to the bone due to his muzzle being held tight by rubber bands for so long.

This Husky puppy was found with his mouth tied and his legs broken

Kane was saved by the team at Ranch Dog Rescue. He was just a five-month-old pup who was in quite a horrible condition. They immediately put him in intensive care and hoped that he would be able to make it. The rescuers had come just in time, but still, this was not going to be an easy recovery.

Kane shocked everyone. His surgeries went well. The three vets who handled his case stated that the type of the injuries Kane were undeniably as a result of severe abuse and neglect. The same sentiments were echoed by the founder of Ranch Dog Rescue, Maureen Keo.

Kane can now voice his opinions plus he has a new home and a new sibling.

He was taken in by a family that understands him better because they have dealt with puppies that have special needs.

The little guy is just above the clouds now that he is in his new home and no one can blame him.

What about Kane’s previous owners? What happened to them? Well, they no longer hold their positions in the USMC. They were fired but they did not do jail time. The best thing is that Kane is now safe and with people who truly love him.

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