If it complains, stay away

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At some point we have been close to someone who is used to complaning about almost anything. If that is our situation, what do we do?

If it complains, stay away

Trevor Blake in his book "Three simple steps: a map tu success in business and in life" being around that kind of people might be harmful for your mental health.

But sometimes these kind of people are dificult to avoid, here are three steps that Blakes sugests:

1- Stay away: if you find youserlf involved in a very uncomfortable situation with someone, do your best to keep your distance. Staying to long may not do you any good.

2. Encourage them to fix the problem: be suportive, be there to help fix the situation, give ideas to solve the problem.

3. Shields up!: block your mind and think about something else. It does not mean to become a bad friend or a bad listener, but to not get involved in the problem and get sucked by it.

Fuente: www.elcambur.com.ve
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