Venezuela crisis: Venezuela s hospitals reduced to wartime conditions


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(pagina3) Efraim Vegas, a doctor at the Periférico de Coche hospital in the west of Venezuela’s capital of Caracas, asks patients to buy their own gauze, antibiotics and other medical supplies. “We are working in a country at war,” he explains.

Venezuela crisis: Venezuela   s hospitals reduced to    wartime conditions

The other dozen or so patients requiring urgent care will have to wait in the ward until Monday.
Most of the shelves in the storeroom are emptyThe crisis is due in large part to collapse of oil prices after 17 years of oil-fuelled prosperity. Most of the shelves in the storeroom are empty.

Meanwhile, in June, the Chavism-controlled Supreme Court threw out a law passed in the Venezuelan National Assembly by an opposition-led majority designed to address the health crisis.

As the situation assumes disastrous proportions, the opposition has begun to demand international intervention but the government is adamant that it will be dealt with internally. Meanwhile, in June, the Chavism-controlled Supreme Court threw out a law passed in the Venezuelan National Assembly by an opposition-led majority designed to address the health crisis.

In the country as a whole, the infant mortality rate rose by 0.02% in 2012 and by 2.01% in 2015.Doctors say that the crisis in the health sector has caused the death of 166 newborns in this hospital alone between January and July this year, a figure that is almost double that of 2015.

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