Baby Girl Born on Same Day as Mother and Grandmother


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Jan. 18 was a very special day for Aimee Hernando. Not only did she celebrate her 33rd birthday, but she also celebrated her mother's 56th birthday. And she gave birth to her daughter, named Miracle Joy, that evening.

Baby Girl Born on Same Day as Mother and Grandmother

Miracle Joy was due at the end of January. Hernando told ABC News she thought it would be nice if her baby was also born on the 18th.

The chance of this happening? 1 in 133,225, Keith Devlin, a mathematician at Stanford University and NPR’s “The Math Guy” told ABC News.

"Then when I went into labor I just kept thinking 'Oh my goodness!" Hernando told ABC News. "Is this really happening?"

The family also shares another uncanny coincidence. "My mom's birth weight was 6 pounds 10 ounces, mine was 6 pounds 9 ounces, and Miracle's was 6 pounds 8 ounces," Hernando said. "We just thought that was so cool!"

Miracle Joy was welcomed into her family by her three older siblings, who are 11, 8, and 14 months old. Her two eldest siblings were adopted into the family.

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