The best burger in the world has been announced and it has no meat in it

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The famous $6 (£4) Superiority Burger, which has a fully vegan patty, has just been named the best the world has to offer by GQ magazine.

The best burger in the world has been announced and it has no meat in it

An impressive feat – and you know it’s going to be a controversial choice.
People have been raving about the taste and texture of the chunky nutty burger but no one knows exactly what’s in it – just that no cows were harmed in its making.
It comes sandwiched in a bun with iceberg lettuce and tomato on top, plus dill pickle and sauce.

The owner of the new East Village Superiority Burger joint, Brooks Headley, wants to keep his vegan burger a secret (who can blame him?) so he won’t divulge its ingredients.
But he spoke to the Wall Street Journal about the rise of meat-free burgers.
‘I don’t need something indistinguishable from meat in order to feel like I’m eating a hamburger,’ said Brooks.

The former punk rock drummer-turned-chef said the act of eating a burger is not just about the patty and whether it’s beef or not.

‘The act of eating a burger is so iconic and so American, and it’s not just about the patty,’ he says. ‘It’s the squish of the bun, the crunch of the lettuce and the tang of the ketchup – there’s something primally satisfying in all that.’

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