WARNING: Sam Sam made this note and was not rated by users as credible.

He Reaches Into The Water To Touch A Fish. What Happens Next BEYOND Strange!


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Drop that sushi roll! What you’re about to witness will change the way you see fish forever!

This man was totally minding his own business, walking through a park one day when he noticed a giant fish chilling in the pond. So, he did what no man would normally do and dipped his hands into the water to play with the fish.

What happened next left me in complete shock! I seriously had to watch this video twice to be convinced it was real! Did that fish seriously just PLAY?! Just when I thought I’ve seen it all…

Support the ban of sushi, train your fish to do awesome tricks, and SHARE this on your Facebook.

Fuente: www.huffingtonpost.com
WARNING: Sam Sam made this note and was not rated by users as credible.
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