Is it right to wash the raw chicken?


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Wash the chicken is not really as hygienic as it was thought. The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) says doing so is a health risk.

Is it right to wash the raw chicken?

According to experts, washing the meat causes the Campylobacter bacteria to spread on both hands and kitchen instruments.

Researcher at the Technological Institute of Higher Education of Mexico (ITESM), Rodrigo Balam added that the most dangerous variety of these bacteria is Campylobacter that adapts easily in humans.

Mainly damaging the epithelial tissue of the intestine causing vomiting and diarrhea.

He also said that the bacterium has a number of tools that can be introduced into the human body, such as the production of toxins, enzymes and high mobility. Having said this, he exhorted to let this practice be done that puts health at risk.

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