2-months later and heartbroken shelter dog still wears his Christmas sweater

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Losing all hope of ever having a home, one-year-old Bobby still wears the green Christmas sweater volunteers at the shelter dressed him up in, with hopes he would attract the attention of a family looking to adopt a very sweet dog. On December 16, his family betrayed him and walked him into the Miami-Dade Animal Care Center, removed his leash and walked away.

2-months later and heartbroken shelter dog still wears his Christmas sweater

And now two months later, Bobby is listed as "code red" because everyone has passed him by. He has broken the hearts of the staff and volunteers alike; all this little guy does is sit with his head down at the gate of his kennel. A perfectly adoptable dog seems resigned to the fact that no one wants him.

Fuente: www.examiner.com
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