Things that you should eliminate of your garage right now!


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While the garage is intended to be a place to store your car, it often ends up being a rather convenient place to hoard a lot of junk, too. Not sure where to put something? Try the garage. Can’t fit something in the closet? Garage. While it’s nice to have a space that allows you to move the clutter from your home, it can easily become a whole mess of its own.

Things that you should eliminate of your garage right now!

That’s why it’s important to take charge and clean out the area every once in awhile. Even if it seems like a daunting task, there are some things that are a no-brainer when it comes to deciding what to toss. Below, see seven things you can get rid of right now — chances are, you won't even miss them!

1. Rusty, broken or duplicate tools

As handy as hammers are, you don’t need three of them. And what good is having a rusty screwdriver? Go through your tools and get rid of anything that is unusable or that you have duplicates of.

2. Things you’re saving to give away

Perhaps you’re not quite sure if you’ll ever need to use that crib again or maybe you’ve got a bag full of clothes that have been sitting in the corner for your second cousin who lives five hours away. Now’s the time to just let it all go. Tell your friends to come pick it up, have a garage sale or give it to charity. Give yourself a deadline to have it all cleared out. You’ll feel so much better when it’s gone.

3. Broken appliances

The refrigerator that doesn’t keep things cold anymore… the ancient TV that displays a fuzzy screen now… the box fan you were hoping you could fix: toss ‘em all! Find an appliance recycling center at or if that doesn’t exist in your area, contact your local trash service to see how to schedule a pickup for big appliances.

4. Sports equipment you don’t use anymore

Let’s face it: deflated basketballs, rusty fishing rods and those skis your kid used 10 years ago are probably not going to be picked back up again. Donate the items that others could get enjoyment out of and toss the rest.

5. Unfinished DIY projects

Two years ago, the idea of making that dining table seemed so easy, but part way through, you decided it was not. Sure you can hope to one day come back to it, but if you’ve already put a project aside and don’t have any plans on coming back to it, perhaps it’s time to move on and clear the space.

6. Leftover supplies from specific home improvement projects

Have a pile of leftover bathroom tiles “just in case?” Save only a couple so that you’ll have the right style and get rid of the rest. Didn’t part with that almost-empty tube of caulk so that you’ll have backup? Toss. You can always buy more if you need it. Supplies are always going to be available in the chance you need to use them again.

7. Gadgets and electronics you don’t use anymore

The thing about living in a high-tech era is that things become outdated rather quickly. If you’ve been putting old computers, game systems, printers, etc., in the garage until you can figure out what to do with them, now’s the time to donate or toss. This also includes cords and cables that you have no idea what they’re supposed to connect to. Search for a local compute recycling facility or take back program in your area to dispose of the equipment responsibly.

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