Barbershop quartet perform incredible Shaggy 'It Wasn't Me' cover


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"Everyone knows It Wasn't Me by Shaggy. The tune is legendary.

The reggae classic was the best-selling single of 2001, with more than 1.5 million copies sold in that year alone.

Fifteen years after release, the song has been given a makeover.

Afternoon Delight, a barbershop quartet from Manchester, has covered the track in dashing style.

The foursome say they were brought together "by their mutual love of liquor and ladies" – how very Shaggy – and now they've seen their cover go viral on Facebook." said Josgua Barri from Look the information:

Youtube/Afternoon DelightBarber shop quartet cover Shaggy's 'It wasn't me'Tune.
As you probably know, It Wasn't Me tells the tale of a cheating lover "caught red handed" by his partner..

The tuneful melodies are by UK singer Rikrok, and Shaggy advises him on his plight with his raps.

"The most impressive part about this is they translated Shaggy's part," commentator Jack Stevens points out.

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