Donald Trump's Been Having The Worst Week Ever And It's Only Tuesday


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"It's a surprise that Donald Trump has gotten this far in the election race, yet here we are. The man keeps screwing up but he's still totally in the running to get the Republican nod— And will probably win.

It doesn't matter that he has been having one of his worst weeks ever, either.

In a turn of events that surprised no one, Trump's Campaign Manager was arrested on assault charges.

Corey Lewandowski forcefully grabbed the arm of female reporter Michelle Fields as she was trying to talk to Trump. He allegedly bruised her arm, leaving Fields shaken by the encounter.

Seeing as Trump supporters have no problem with sucker-punching people at rallies, it shouldn't come as a surprise that his campaign manager deems it perfectly acceptable to forcefully lay hands on a woman.

That's not all! Trump's ex-communications manager wrote a tell-all revealing he never even expected to win the Presidency— It all started as a marketing move.

Stephanie Cegielski, ex-communications manager for Trump's campaign, spilled the beans on her blog:

"I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don't even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all...

Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now.

He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver's seat, and nothing else matters."

Trump's campaign spokeperson Hope Hicks fired back, pretty much denying the whole thing and reiterating how Donald is the only man who can "Make America great again." Right.

This person was never employed by the Trump campaign. Evidently she worked for a Super PAC which Mr. Trump disavowed and requested the closure of via the FEC. She knows nothing about Mr. Trump or the campaign and her disingenuous and factually inaccurate statements in no way resemble any shred of truth. This is yet another desperate person looking for their fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is running for President because he is the only one who will Make America Great Again.

But the real cherry on top was when Trump made a fool of himself by revealing his complete lack of election rules, losing Louisiana delegates as a result.

It seems that since Donald didn't take the time to read the rules about the Primary elections, his response was to sue them. But sue who? The Republican National Convention's Committee? On what grounds? That he didn't like the rules of a primary he willingly participated in and signed off on?

Ron Nehring put it best:
Clearly, the man knows nothing about politics. It is more than just getting a bunch of racists and xenophobes to punch protesters at rallies, Mr. Trump.

Some morbid pranksters erected a tombstone for Trump in Central Park.

No one knows who made the creepy piece of art with the inscription "Made America Hate Again," and apparently it's a real tombstone. So it's not like this form of political protest came cheap".

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