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Finding yourself easily distracted at work may sound like a bad thing but there could be a silver lining to your daily office woes.

Intelligent people are more easily distracted at work, study claims

Workers who have trouble concentrating on a daily basis may be intellectually superior to their colleagues, according to a new study.
Intelligent people may find it difficult to focus the mind because of all the amazing ideas constantly running through their genius brains, the research suggests.

The cleverest among us find it difficult to prioritise which idea to focus on first, with the distractions potentially leading to “a feeling of inadequacy and inability to deal with the workload as a whole”, according to psychiatrist Dr Ned Hallowell.
He added that the brightest brains can end up falling short of their own expectations and also of what their boss expects.

“Employers are always on the lookout for the brightest people available, however the difficulty to withstand multiple tasks and distractions in the office affects smart people in the same way as everyone else, if not more,” explained Bostjan Ljubic, vice president of Steelcase, who published the research.

“The ways in which we work are changing more rapidly than ever before and the brain is being subjected to stresses and distractions which can lead to overload and statistics show that distractions in the workplace are on the rise.”

The study of 10,000 workers from 17 different countries also found that the increased use of technology in the workplace has made it more difficult for staff to stay focused, with the average office worker distracted once every three minutes.

5 tips for staying focused at work

Stay hydrated
Dehydration can result in impaired mental functioning, changes in mood, and reductions in concentration, alertness and short-term memory, according to research.

Do your creative work first
“An hour into doing your work, you've got a lot less capacity than [at the beginning],” says David Rock, author of Your Brain at Work. “Every decision we make tires the brain.”

Train your brain
Here are the top brain-training apps to keep your mind sharp.
A messy desk?
Working at a messy desk may actually help you think more creatively, according this scientific study.

Here are 10 simple ways to help boost your intellect

More exercise
An afternoon nap
Magnesium rich foods
Mowing the Lawn
Lots of chocolate and more sex (apparently)
Music Lessons for young
A Thinking Cap
Talking to your Baby
Eat fish
Scientists discovered that eating food rich in omega-3 boosted blood flow to the brain and improved its performance during mental tasks.

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