Facebook Now Lets You Find And Delete Friends Who Support Donald Trump

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You can waste hours and hours of your life arguing and responding to some stupid sh*t people post on Facebook. Like someone who was pissed off that you posted that Donald Trump was attacked by a bald eagle. In fact, these days, you've probably seen a lot of heinous support for Donald Trump on your feed and it's starting to grind your gears.

Facebook Now Lets You Find And Delete Friends Who Support Donald Trump

So instead of engaging in a pointless debate or seeing some silly ass stuff that'll only piss you off, here's how you can easily dump anyone who supports the Donald.

1. Log into Facebook.
2. Go to your search tab.
3. Search for: "my friends who like Donald J. Trump"
4. See who they are and gasp.
5. Click "friends", then "unfriend" and drop 'em like a bad habit.
6. Enjoy your bigot-free Facebook feed.

Fuente: distractify.com
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