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By Isabella Wall ~ Quinceañera Expert

“To My 15 Year old Self: Make sure you continue to trust what you know about yourself and stay true to what you believe in." –Melinda Gates / Gates Foundation - CNN Report

It may sound difficult to expect conviction from a 15 year old, a Quinceañera. Yet, when a sister like Melinda Gates makes such a statement as the one above, it makes you focus on the empowerment opportunity of this lifetime rite of passage for Hispanic girls. The celebration of the 15th birthday is a sisterhood. Women play a particularly important role, as does the whole family. But when a Mom commits to the celebration of her daughter’s transition into womanhood, groups of people are drawn to share the magical transformation of a little girl into a young woman. At the same time, they are helping this young woman to discover herself. Everyone has her own unique story in the celebration of Los Quince.

Quinceañera Empowerment through Celebration 2015

It’s been 15 years since the year 2000 made it’s entrance. The 21st century celebrates it’s own Quinceañera, along with millions of millennial Hispanic girls. I have witnessed its bumpy rise and I am finally seeing the acceptance, transformation, and acculturation of this family tradition.

Some perceive the day as “a religious rite of passage exclusive to Latinos,” while others view it as “a trivial celebration to please the neighbors.” I believe los Quince is a commitment to empowering our young girls through the celebration of womanhood, with the support of the members of the community.

Generations of moms, aunts, grandmas and the rest of the family literally become “Quince- Fairies” to lend support and ensure the girl receives encouragement, self-esteem, great memories and LOVE, to last a lifetime. We finally understand the meaning of “a shared fairytale dream” as a means of Empowerment. These special millennial women, in the mist of their life-changing event, use the Internet and social media when learning, planning, and preparing for the rite of their Quinceanera, while inspiring others in their network to participate, especially Mom.

The 21st century Quinceañeras are loyal costumers. During Hispanic Heritage Month 2015, we will have no shortage of Quinceañera promotions, expos, publications and programming targeting Latinas like: “Quiero Mis Quince”, (the MTV over the top reality show), Quinceañera.com, a one stop online shopping, “Los Quince de Mis Sueños (another reality show by TELEMUNDO) and “Mis Quince Contest” by Seventeen Magazine. Disney their must expensive “Royal Ball” Quince gowns and others will attempt to appeal with sincerity to this important millenary tradition. We are also in an age of diversity, women empowerment, and social media. In order for advertisers to be able to reach the US Hispanic Millennials, it’s necessary to understand our cultural duality.

“We prefer the English language; but believe the importance of remaining in touch with our Hispanic roots. Our Millennials consume the brands that represent the bilingual, ambi-cultural, duality, recognition of our symbols, the cultural traditions and language, which reflect our American upbringing and Heritage.” P.H.D

It seems as though everyone wanted to give birth to a “Millennial baby.” In fact, there were 4,058,814 births in the United States in 2000, which represented a 3% increase in birth rate in the USA, according to the NATIONAL VITAL STATISTICS HISPANIC REPORT and PEW HISPANIC CENTER data.

“Hispanic future defined by the native born, if immigration fueled the Hispanic population to date, tomorrow it will be their children who drive growth. Ten million “second generation” U.S.-born children of immigrants make up 29 percent of all Hispanics. Another 11 million comprise the “third generation” (born to two native-born parents) and represent 31 percent of all Latinos.” - P.H.D

Asi que a Empoderar a nuestras Quinceañeras!
We are all the Quince-fairies!


Isabella Wall is the leading expert in teen Empowerment through Celebration. Isabella is a Keynote Speaker, Actress, Published Author, and Producer. She creates, produces, advises, publishes, and voices key Millennial Quinceañera Empowerment content and messages, for corporations like, Disney, “Got Milk?” MTV, BBC, ABC, Univision, Telemundo, CTV, Tribune, Teen Magazine, LA Times and others.

Isabella is known as the Fairy God-mother of Quinceañeras. Her passion for this tradition dates back to her own quinceañera celebration and her mother-daughter relationship story. Her expertise provides unique opportunities to generate community outreach and support for young women as well as brand loyalty and media attention among Ambi-cultural Audiences.

Fuente: www.facebook.com
WARNING: Isabella M. Wall made this note and was not rated by users as credible.
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