Twin Girls Are Healed Of Rare Infant Cancer At The Exact Same Time

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What are the odds of giving birth to beautiful, identical twin girls like Isabella and Madeleine? Alyssa and Michael Dunn considered themselves lucky to bring home two healthy, happy little babies. Their very existence was a gift. Things were going smoothly, until a routine checkup at the doctor turned into every parent’s nightmare. While visiting their pediatrician, he noticed that Madeleine’s belly was swollen.

Twin Girls Are Healed Of Rare Infant Cancer At The Exact Same Time

“You could see his face change, and I think we both knew, this wasn’t going to be a normal checkup,” Michael says. Madeleine had an ultrasound done, where it was discovered that she had a rare form of infant cancer. Then, more bad news. The doctors discovered that Isabella had the same form of cancer in the exact same place. The outlook wasn’t good. The odds that identical twins would form the exact same kind of cancer at the same time was rare. But the odds that both would survive?

Alyssa and Michael continued to pray for a miracle, but their daughters became so sick they couldn’t even touch them. As their chemotherapy continued, something amazing happened. The doctors reunited Isabella and Madeleine. It was almost as though the simple act of cradling the two infants ignited something in each of them. For the first time, in so long, the little girls were laughing and playing. Then they got to go home to continue their treatments. Then… there was no evidence of disease. It wasn’t a fluke either, you have to watch all the way to the end of the video to see how Isabella and Madeleine are doing now.

“God chose to heal them,” is all Mom and Dad could say.

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