Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others


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This video proves that a person's integrity goes far beyond what meets the eye.

In a video uploaded to YouTube, prankster Josh Paler Lin gives $100 to a homeless man and secretly follows the him to find out how it's spent.

The homeless man is seen on camera buying food and giving it to strangers in the park. The sight turns Lin's perception of homelessness on its head.

Lin says he is "stunned" and admits he thought the man might buy alcohol.

"You just touched my heart," Lin told him.

While the gesture left the prankster so emotional that he decided to donate another $100, he also had something to offer Lin:

"There's a lot of people that are just victims of circumstance," the homeless man told him. "And they didn't go homeless because they're lazy ...It could be a divorce, and one thing leads to another. A man sells his boat, his home, and all of a sudden he finds out he has no money. There's a lot of good people that are homeless."

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