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This Is How You Do Your Makeup When You re Blind


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Yesterday’s Wishes is the username of vlogger Lucy Edwards. Based in Birmingham, she’s 19 years old and describes herself as a “YouTuber, soon-to-be law student, and make-up artist”.

“When I was 11 I became partially sighted due to a rare disorder. It’s in the female line of my genetics, but my mum and grandma don’t have it. To cut a long story short, I’ve been going to the eye hospital since I was 11.”

Edwards lost sight in her right eye when she was 11, then in her left eye when she was 17, “right in the middle of my A-levels, so I’ve had to retake the year. I wanted to stay positive, which is why I’m on YouTube, really.”

Her sister, Alice, worked with her to create a make-up routine that didn’t require a mirror.

WARNING: Aloc Acoc made this note and was not rated by users as credible.
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