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Science Says A Glass Of Red Wine May Be Equivalent To An Hour At The Gym


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Science Says A Glass Of Red Wine May Be Equivalent To An Hour At The Gym

According to a study on the health benefits of resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, your body could receive some of the benefits of hitting the gym without sweat-inducing exercise.

According to researchers at Canada’s University of Alberta, the compound might boost heart rate and amp up muscle performance.

Jason Dyck, the lead researcher, writes that the discovery might be helpful for people who just can’t exercise, saying,

I think resveratrol could help patient populations who want to exercise but are physically incapable.

Resveratrol could mimic exercise for them or improve the benefits of the modest amount of exercise that they can do

Sure, we’ve heard a glass of red wine with dinner is “healthy,” but most of us never really wrapped our minds around what that means.

To reap the benefits of resveratrol, you could also munch on some kinds of nuts or fruit that also contain it, like pistachios and grapes.

Unfortunately, this is strictly reserved to red wine, so that $11 Pinot Grigio you have in your fridge doesn’t apply.

And red wine does still count towards your alcohol intake, so be careful not to overindulge.

Fuente: elitedaily.com
WARNING: Sam Sam made this note and was not rated by users as credible.
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