
Most recent

Hola, miércoles, que guapa estás

El diario de Enrique
16 points

¿Colombia tiene cubierta la demanda de expertos en ciberseguridad?

16 points


Octavio Cruz Gonzalez
16 points

Hankook realizó lanzamiento de llantas para vehículos de carga pesada

16 points

La viruela del mono (MPOX), o el sí pero no

26 points

Hackers exponen secretos íntimos de ejecutivos de empresas y amenazan con destruir reputaciones

12 points

¡El elemento que faltaba! Un producto que debe tener tu botiquín para accidentes en casa

8 points

HAL Company fue reconocida por HubSpot como Elite Partner

16 points

A veces, cuando el corazón se cansa de ver

El final del camino
8 points

74% de los colombianos cree que los Juegos Olímpicos nos hacen más fuertes como nación

10 points

A brain system involved in everything from addiction to autism appears to have evolved differently in people than in great apes, a team reports in the journal Science. The system controls the production of dopamine, a chemical messenger that plays a major role in pleasure and...


A group of researchers from the University of Southern California has managed to create a brain implant that promises to increase the memory performance capabilities of those who use it. "Memory prosthesis" is the name of this invention that is intended to imitate the way in which...


Just when PCs looked to be dying a slow, painful death, they became interesting again. As expected, this week's news coming from Computex in Taiwan is flush with new PCs and PC technologies, but is it enough to reinvigorate a market that has faced declining sales since 2011? The market...


Essential, a company founded by Andy Rubin, the "father of Android," on Tuesday pulled off the wraps on a new high-end smartphone. The Essential Phone, priced at US$699, includes radios for connecting to all major U.S. carriers. The unit has an almost edge-to-edge display...


( Since the arrival of Facebook in our lives, the perception of "social networks" has changed since then, and with the ever changing technology, these have been molded according to the inclinations and facilities when it comes to interacting with the world. The...


Drones have become a must for technology, and in the 21st century are considered as impressive tools in the world of photography. That is why in this post we will talk about 5 models of these wonderful artifacts. DJI Inspire 2 The first HD motion picture drone with 360-degree transmission in...


En Argentina, uno de cada dos habitantes, posee una computadora o laptop con conexión a internet de banda ancha. Es común que tengamos que realizar cierto mantenimiento cada tanto en estos equipos y siempre tenemos el mismo conflicto de a donde llevarla o a quien llamar. A raíz...


(Editorial) More than a decade since he started to study in Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg, known for creating one of the most used social networks in the world, graduated and was the one in charge of giving the speech at the ceremony. This entrepreneur left his studies the same year in...


A study by the Ipsos / Reuters consultancy shows that although mail is still the king of communications in the internet world, being used by 85% of users, social networks already make up 62% of the Communication of that same universe of users. ( Within this percentage of...


Lenovo will agains use the Motorola brand in its next mobiles. (smart life) A couple of years ago one of the most powerful Chinese firms in the market, Lenovo, acquired a decadent Motorola to Google , decadent although with some mobiles of recognized prestige especially in the mid-range like the...


El ingenio de la juventud mexicana ya lleva un par de años ganando competencias tecnológicas internacionales en temas como robótica, incluso en la propia NASA Por ello, la Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM), organismo descentralizado de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y...


Seven Star Websolutions is an emerging Indian company which is the outstanding provider of SEO Services, Link building services and Web Development services. We are the Delhi-based SEO Service Company engaged in all the crucial SEO related activities that are so necessary to bring increasing...


itcher, a London based entertainment recommendations app, could change the way the world discovers movies, TV shows, books and games with their community-powered recommendations. Too Much Entertainment, Too Little Time The number of titles available to us is ever increasing and with it, the...


A good camera, lasting battery and a personal assistant are some characteristics of Pixel. Telegraph: The Google phone is finally here. After years of dipping its toes with its range of Nexus phones made by third parties and the inevitable compromises that came with them, Google has unveiled...


Hackers have probed the voting systems of many US states but there is no sign that they have manipulated any voting data, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on Saturday. National security officials are investigating a number of possible leads suggesting that cyber-criminals are trying...

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