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Johnson Controls presenta solución para control y protección en el acceso a empresas

Yesid Aguilar
16 points

La policía de Ciudad de México no actúa frente a ladrones en evidencia

La verdad si importa
202 points

ure Storage anunció que se unió al Ultra Ethernet Consortium (UEC)

Patricia Amaya Comunicaciones
18 points

Cúrcuma o curcumina ... ¿nos engañan?

Charlas con la IA
16 points

Otra vez la Fibrilación Auricular frente a las bebidas alcohólicas

Charlas con la IA
14 points


Octavio Cruz Gonzalez
8 points

Confiar entra al hall de la fama de la Superfinanciera con sellos de educación financiera

20 points

Raffaella Bianchi nueva Chief Revenue Officer de Grupo Covisian

26 points

Pure Storage simplifica las migraciones en la nube para entornos de VMware a escala empresarial en M

Patricia Amaya Comunicaciones
10 points

La Esperanza en Tiempos de Crisis: Un Llamado a la Acción

Carlos Eduardo Lagos Campos
12 points

La reciente invasión rusa a Ucrania ha coincidido con un considerable aumento en los ataques cibernéticos a nivel mundial, por lo que los esfuerzos que se vienen gestando en el mundo a nivel de ciberseguridad deben reforzarse ampliamente. “Europa oriental siempre ha sido un...


GM Sectec, líder global en ciberdefensa enfocado en el área de pagos, y SecurityScorecard, el líder global en calificaciones de seguridad, han anunciado hoy una asociación para acelerar la expansión mundial y la adopción de calificaciones de seguridad en...


Se espera que siete tendencias de desarrollo dominen la transformación digital de las empresas mexicanas en 2022, incluyendo un mayor enfoque en la seguridad, una más amplia adopción de low-code para los desarrolladores y las plataformas nativas de la nube, y una mejor...


Eras parte de algo terrible, algo tan indescriptible que te desmayaste y te olvidaste de todos los eventos recientes. Tu elección ahora es perseguir esta oscura verdad o intentar enterrarla en el pasado. No puede ser demasiado tarde para dar marcha atrás ahora. Blackout es un...


Después de haber probado el Samsung Odyssey G9, debo admitir que la tecnología moderna de monitores para juegos es extremadamente impresionante. Pero para la simulación de carreras, soy un usuario dedicado de auriculares VR. Si desea aprovechar al máximo su...


The academic grades of students depend on various things. There are various things to examine a student’s knowledge like tests, papers, practical tests, assignments, and thesis. Students have to go through all these things to prove their eligibility to graduate from a class. Academic...


AKRON, Ohio — Colin Robertson wonders why he pays federal taxes on the $18,000 a year he makes cleaning carpets, while the tech giant Amazon got a tax rebate. His concerns about a tilted economic playing field recently led Mr. Robertson to join the Akron chapter of the Democratic...


Following backlash and criticism over the spread of anti-vaccination rhetoric and sponsored advertisements targeting pregnant women in states seeing a surge in measles outbreaks, Facebook said it may reduce or remove the false information from the platform, according to a statement received by...


The NYPD is calling on Google to yank a feature from its Waze traffic app that tips off drivers to police checkpoints — warning it could be considered “criminal conduct,” according to a report on Wednesday. The department sent a cease-and-desist letter over the weekend...


We all know about Rana’s typical script selection which he has set at high standards considering the flow of Commercial movies these days. Even after taking huge applause for Bahubali, he hasn’t opted for any commercial movies after that to cash his craze. Now he has jetted off to the...


A new epilepsy monitoring device detects 85 percent of all severe night-time seizures, which the designers say is a big technological improvement. Researchers in the Netherlands tested the bracelet, known as Nightwatch, in 28 intellectually disabled epilepsy patients over an average of 65 nights...


Beer prices could double as a result of global warming, according to a new study. Climate change is expected to trigger more frequent heatwaves and prolonged droughts in many parts of the world. Hotter, drier climate patterns are likely to depress barley yields, disrupting the global beer...


While searching for signs of Planet X, scientists have discovered a new dwarf planet candidate beyond Pluto. Astronomers dubbed the object "the Goblin." The dwarf planet's lengthy orbit is extremely oblong, sending the Goblin far away from Earth for most its 40,000-year-long trek...


Planning a vacation can be a long and frustrating process involving dozens of open tabs and websites – comparing prices, checking different locations on maps and blogs, finding flights and reading about the attractions available in the target destination can take the fun out of any...


Researchers have developed a new anti-cancer drug that puts cells to sleep by stopping tumors from growing or spreading while not damaging their DNA. These new treatments, which have been tested in blood and liver cancer models, could be an alternative method for people with cancer, including...

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