New study says that dogs tend to "lie" to get what they want


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A new study published by Animal Cognition found that even our puppies are capable of lying to get what they want. Thank God they're man's best friends.

 New study says that dogs tend to "lie" to get what they want

The research carried out by a group of Swiss scientists showed that dogs are able to adjust their behavior to achieve their goals. The conclusion is that our furry friends use tactical thinking and understand how their actions affect the behavior of humans.

The idea that dogs are capable of handling situations to their benefit is not new. Some dogs may ask different members of the family to fill their plate despite having already eaten and the same with getting a ride.

Our furry friends use tactical thinking and understand how their actions affect the behavior of humans

However, the theory that most canine trainers use differs about their ability to "lie." From this discipline, they maintain that the study does not confirm that dogs are capable of deceiving but that it demonstrates what we all already suspected: that dogs are very intelligent animals.

Our pets are motivated by the idea of ​​getting what benefits them, and that is what makes them so easy to train and therefore, such good companions.

The perspective of the study shows that the dog is "lying," but if we look at it from our pet's point of view, he is intelligently manipulating the stage to get what he wants.

One thing is for sure, we have to be careful when rewarding our pet because it is capable of lying or manipulating the situation, it could fake a behavior just to get a reward. But who can say no to those little faces?

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