A woman ended up partially blind for spending a whole day playing on her phone


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A trainee accountant from Chang’an in northwestern China’s Shaanxi Province went partially blind after she spent an entire day playing games on her smartphone, according to media reports.

A woman ended up partially blind for spending a whole day playing on her phone

Twenty-one-year-old Wu Xiaojing said she could no longer see from her right eye after a day of gaming on her device.

She was playing a popular game in China called King of Glory, reported Asia One. “I stopped gaming for dinner, only to have my eyesight dim in my right eye,” the young gamer said. She was rushed to hospital where doctors diagnosed her with retinal artery occlusion, a condition usually caused by tiredness of the eye.

Wu said playing games on her phone is her only hobby, with the mobile device taking all of her spare hours after work and at weekends.

“During the weekend I don’t go anywhere. I usually just stay home and play games on my phone,” she said.

She added that a typical day saw her getting up around 6.30am and beginning to play games after having breakfast.

“I don’t stop until around 4pm when I have a late lunch,” she said.

She then naps before gaming until 2am. Wu remains in hospital under medical care.

It’s not known if her eyesight will return.

Fuente: www.health24.com
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