Why is it said that the dog is man's best friend?


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Have you ever wondered why the dog is man's best friend? This story is impressive, dogs are definitely a wonder we have the happiness to love and that they in return love us unconditionally.

Why is it said that the dog is man's best friend?

The story goes that it was in September 1870 in Missouri, USA, during a case that shocked the locals. And not only them, it has survived the passage of decades.

It happened in 1870 and was told by a lawyer inside a court. Does it sound unromantic? Wait until you read the original fragment from that moment.

George Graham Vest was a politician and lawyer born in Kentucky, United States, who was part of Congress during the Civil War. He was known as a great speaker and almost no one could beat him in a debate. But that was not what made him famous, the case of Old Drum, a dog that, they say, died at the hands of his master's neighbor.

The case was as follows: Charles Burden, a farmer from Missouri, accused his neighbor of having killed his dog. He tried to denounce his wealthy neighbor, but they told him that it was not possible because the dogs are not human, he could only aspire to compensation, which is why he sought to be repaired with US $ 50, the maximum amount of the time.

George Graham Vest, lawyer.

As it was known at the trial, Leonidas Hornsby was tired of wolves and wild dogs ending their sheep, so he had said that he would kill any dog ​​that treads his property. Old Drum, a hunting dog, appeared dead of a shot near its property, reason why was immediately indicated like author.

In September of 1870 Vest took the case because, they say, it knew that it would be sonorous. Not just because of the circumstances, but because Old Drum was recognized in the county. Burden always emphasized the goodness of his dog, praised him for his skills as a hunter and took him wherever he went, to the tavern where he used to have a few drinks with his friends.

Vest was not mistaken. The case reached such popularity that it went down in history, especially for the speech it uttered at the end and which shook the jury and judge alike, so much so that the fine imposed was $ 450, $ 400 more than stipulated by law.

"Knights of the jury: The best friend a man can have, can turn against him and become his enemy. His own son or daughter, whom I raise with love and infinite care, can show ingratitude. Those who are closest to our heart, those to whom we entrust our happiness and good name, can become traitors.

The money a man can have can also lose it, he will return at the moment he needs it most. A man's reputation will be sacrificed for a moment of madness or weakness.

People are willing to fall on their knees to honor our successes, they will throw the first stone, when failure clouds clouds our future.

The only, absolute and best friend that man has in this selfish world, the only one that will not betray or deny him, is his dog.

Gentlemen of the jury, the dog of a man is at his side in prosperity and poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold floor where the wind blows and the snow falls, only to be with his master.

He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer him, he will lick the wounds and bitterness produced by the confrontation with the rough world.

If misfortune leaves his master homeless and friends, the trusty dog ​​only asks the privilege of accompanying his master to defend him against all his enemies.

And when the last act comes and death makes its appearance and the body is buried in the cold earth, it does not matter that all the friends have left. There, next to the grave, the noble animal will remain, his head between his legs, his eyes sad but open and alert, noble and sincere, beyond death. "

And this speech, known as "Elegía al perro", gave rise to the phrase that we never tire of repeating: the dog is man's best friend.

Fuente: www.4patas.com.co
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