Discover the properties of the skin of the avocado seed


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Scientists at the University of Texas have discovered several chemical compounds to treat diseases and other ailments, said Debasish Bandyopadhyay, a member of the Department of Chemistry.

Discover the properties of the skin of the avocado seed

The scientist explained that during the study, about 300 dry shells of avocado seeds were ground and then processed to obtain "three teaspoons" of oil and 30 grams of wax.

Once these elements were analyzed, the researchers found 116 compounds in the oil and 16 in the wax, many of which had not been previously detected in the same seeds.

Among the components of the oil was found behenyl alcohol (also known as docosanol), which is an important ingredient in the development of antiviral drugs.

The researchers found heptacosan, a substance thought to inhibit the growth of tumor cells. They also succeeded in isolating dodecanoic acid, which increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

In the wax, scientists detected benzyl and butyl phthalate, a plasticizer ether used to boost the flexibility of numerous synthetic products, ranging from bath curtains to medical devices.

Debasish Bandyopadhyay, indicated that he and his team are looking to modify several of these natural compounds so they can be used to create drugs or to reduce their side effects

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