Hateful cats? This video will show you the opposite


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Cats are usually, in general social view, animals that although are domestic are independent, much more than dogs and this gives a feeling of being more hateful, timid and hostile, however, there are hundreds of videos that show otherwise and affectionate and familiar what can be the kittens

Hateful cats? This video will show you the opposite

So when I saw this clip, I just had to smile. It definitely gives a boost to my ideas about cats and I just had to show the video to all my friends who are a bit skeptical of these lovely animals.

The video opens with a baby lying on a crib. Suddenly, the little cutie bursts into tears and starts crying.

On the floor below, the baby's big sister is cuddling the family cat. But when it realizes that the baby is upset, the cat jumps out of the older girl's arms and jumps up onto the bed.

The cat then sidles up next to the baby and offers some much needed comfort and warmth. And it totally works! The infant seems to appreciate the cat's love and almost immediately settles down.

Fuente: en.newsner.com
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