Woman wins lottery twice in one week


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People say that lightning does not fall twice in the same place...well, it is not the case of the protagonist of this post. What chance is there to win the lottery once? Well this woman proved that luck exists because she won not one, but twice the lottery...in the same week!

Woman wins lottery twice in one week

Rosa Dominguez stopped for gas and drove home more than half a million bucks richer. She bought a winning scratch card in Paso Robles, California.

A few days later, Dominguez needed gas again, so she stopped, at a different station, and bought a $5 Lucky Fortune ticket.

It turned out to be the $100,000 jackpot.

She's using her winnings to buy a new car. No word if this one will get better mileage.

Fuente: wlrn.org
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