Control your hormone imbalance with these foods


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One of the most uncomfortable situations a woman will endure is menopause. It’s ignored by society yet portrayed by pop culture as the worst time in a woman’s life. However younger women might suffer effects similar to menopause due to poor eating habits that cause hormonal imbalances.

Control your hormone imbalance with these foods

These effects can be anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, irritability, mood swings, loss of memory, and even migraines. The menstrual cycle is altered, risk of heart problems rise, skin becomes dry, bones are weakened, as well as sexual activity can cause vaginal irritation. There are other diseases that cause estrogen production to be abnormal, producing these effects as well.

In order to prevent, control, or treat hormonal issues caused by uncommon levels of estrogen, the following foods should be added to the everyday diet because of their content of phyloestrogens. This plant-based substance can substitute the function of the body’s hormones, helping the body stabilize.


Aside from containing Phyloestrogens this fruit helps the body eliminate toxins and prevents degenerative diseases. By consuming them we keep our body “young” and hormone problems related to age can be avoided in the future.


Like cherries, they contain properties relating to a long life. They’re low in calories so they can be added to any dish. By keeping our body free of toxins phyloestrogens are able to work more efficiently. These plant-based substances have a lower effect than the hormones produced by our body so we need to balance them with other foods full of nutrients.


Red apples not only are beneficial for our heart but they also help keeping the blood flow in check. They keep our mind fresh, and help reduce psychological discomfort.


No matter which presentation you prefer, this food provides the same protein as meats while also containing amino acids. It’s great for bones and circulation, while also helping with menopause and painful periods. It balances estrogen levels.


Since it’s derived from grapes it has the same properties as the fruit. It also helps the circulatory system and relieves migraines.


It has beneficial antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens bones. Like apples, spinach keeps the body free of toxins. It helps relieve symptoms while also balancing estrogen and hormone levels.


It awakens the senses, helps blood pressure, makes skin softer, and is an anti-aging food. It’s known to be an essential food for women suffering menopause because it helps combat the effects and symptoms.

It’s still unclear how effective phyloestrogens are since foods can affect different bodies in different ways. However a balanced diet can help keep our body strong and young, instead of having an early menopause.

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