This girl has a year without using deodorant. Look the reason!


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Independent: A YouTube star says she hasn’t worn deodorant for a whole year, but insists that she doesn’t smell.

Elyse Brautigam, 22, claimed in her latest video that she gave up using deodorant because she feared it was linked to breast cancer.

She hasn’t used any sprays or roll-ons since October 2015 but says her vegan raw food diet means her body odour isn’t a problem.

Elyse told her fans that since changing her diet “my hormones have balanced even more and my body odour has changed quite a bit.”

She says she has been left with a “minimal amount” of body odour and is “less stinky” thanks to the super-strict diet.

The Hawaii resident says she regularly works up a sweat in the gym, saying: “I’m not one of those people that goes in and works out and doesn't break a sweat. I aim to be super sweaty by the end of the workout.

“I have been going to the gym actually for the past two full years. And when I go to the gym I sweat like a pig.”

Attempting to explain why her sweat no longer causes body odour, she said that her raw food diet does not have any strong smells, while baked goods and takeaways have strong smells.

She said: “Your body actually starts to smell differently based on the food you are putting into your body,' she claims, showing off an unshaved armpit.”

The hot climate she lives in mean she sweats pretty much every day, but she said that it gives off a natural “pheromone” smell rather than typical body odour.

She said that if the smell ever becomes overwhelming during the day, she gives her underarms a quick wash.

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