Looking beautiful when you wake up late

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We need look beautiful everyday , waking up late is not a problem . The website wikihow.com share some hacts to get the perfect look .

Looking beautiful when you wake up late

Fake a shower. If you’ve only got ten minutes, you don’t have time to shower, but you do have time to fake it. Quickly wash your face, then wipe your body down with baby wipes to remove any odors. Cover your body with lotion to hide any smells and also to moisturize your skin.
If you’re still concerned that you smell, spray a spritz of your favorite perfume into the air, then walk through the spray to allow the scent to settle on your skin.

If you see any makeup remaining on your face after your face wash, remove it with makeup remover.

Make sure to apply moisturizer to your face and hands as well as your body.
Don’t forget to apply deodorant!

Get dressed. Getting dressed in a rush doesn’t have to be a huge source of stress. Choose an outfit that is easy to throw on, while still being stylish and flattering. Wear an outfit that is all black for a fashionable look that you can put together in a hurry.

If you’re not feeling black, throw on a dress. Dresses are only one piece, which means you don’t have to worry about matching tops and bottoms.

Add an accessory. Whether it’s a fun shoe or a statement necklace, add an old favorite to your outfit to make it pop. It will only take a second to put on, and adding some texture to your clothing will make it seem like you put some thought into your outfit.

Do your hair. If you’re running late, chances are you don’t have time to wash, curl or straighten your hair. So unless you’ve got the best head of hair on Earth, you’ll probably want to put your hair up. Depending on your mood, either roll your hair into a sleek sock bun, or manipulate it into a messy top knot.

For a sock bun, you’ll either need an actual cut up sock or a sock bun form. Put your hair into a high ponytail and slide the sock or bun form over the ends of your hair. Roll the sock down the length of your hair until all your hair is held in place. Use bobby-pins to pin the sock bun in place.

Spray your hair with a texturizing cream before putting your hair in a top knot. The cream will help create more volume and will make your messy top knot look effortlessly chic.
If doing your hair seems impossible when you’re running late, throw on a hat and forget about it.

Do one minute makeup. If you have an all-over color stick, run the stick along your eyelids, lips and cheekbones and blend. This will give you a fresh-faced rosy look that will take only one minute to apply.

If you have pale eyelashes, skip the color stick and use the time to instead apply mascara.
If your eyebrows are your most powerful facial feature, spend your time brushing and filling them in. You don’t have to completely fill them in; instead, dot at sparse areas with an eyebrow pencil, then use a tinted brow gel to give them a gentle coating.

Fuente: www.wikihow.com
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