4 reasons to put cancer prevention on your back-to-school list


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(Everydayhelath.com) By Nancy Messonnier, MD, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

4 reasons to put cancer prevention on your back-to-school list

If you’re a parent, like me, you know that the new school year is just around the corner, which means there’s a lot to do to get ready: We’ll all be shopping for school supplies, getting our kids to finish summer reading, and taking them for annual checkups. During this busy season, I want to urge parents to add cancer prevention to their back-to-school planning. Your child’s annual well check is the perfect time to ask about the human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine. This vaccine prevents certain cancers.

The CDC estimates that every year in the United States, more than 30,000 men and women are affected by HPV cancers. Fortunately, the HPV vaccine could prevent more than 90 percent of these from ever developing because it protects against the virus that causes the cancers.

Now let’s focus on the life-saving benefits of the HPV vaccine. Since it was introduced in the United States in 2006, HPV infections in teen girls have dropped by 64 percent, even with many preteens and teens being behind on their HPV shots. Imagine how much cancer we could prevent if everyone got their HPV shots! Research suggests that the protection offered by the HPV vaccine lasts into adulthood, giving our children lasting protection against HPV cancers.

All boys and girls should get the HPV vaccine at age 11 or 12, when they receive the vaccines that prevent meningitis and pertussis. It doesn’t have to be a back-to-school visit for you to ask about this vaccine: Take advantage of any doctor’s visit (sick visits, physicals for sports, etc.), or make an appointment today to ask the doctor about what shots your preteens and teens need. Even if your doctor doesn’t mention the HPV vaccine, be sure to ask the doctor or nurse about getting it for your child at that appointment.

So as you run around looking for all the books, pencils, and devices your middle schooler will need this year, make sure you’re also thinking about protecting them against cancer.

HPV: 4 Good Reasons to Get Your Child Vaccinated Today
HPV causes more than 30,000 cases of cancer each year.
HPV vaccination is the best way to prevent many types of cancer in girls and boys.
The HPV vaccine is safe and effective.
Vaccinating your child at age 11 or 12 protects them long before they are exposed.

Fuente: www.univision.com
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