Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney 'taking a break'

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CNN- Amid reports that pop superstar Lady Gaga and her actor fiance Taylor Kinney had split, the singer has decided to clarify.

Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney 'taking a break'

Gaga posted a photo of the couple walking together on Instagram with a caption that began "Taylor and I have always believed we are soulmates."

"Just like all couples we have ups and downs, and we have been taking a break," Gaga wrote. "We are both ambitious artists, hoping to work through long-distance and complicated schedules to continue the simple love we have always shared."

Prior to their announcement the couple had been very private about their relationship. On Wednesday, Gaga asked fans to "root" for them.

"We're just like everybody else and we really love each other," she said.

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