The Texas Mom's Motive for Killing Her Daughters, According to Her Husband


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"The Texas Mom's Motive for Killing Her Daughters, According to Her Husband.

The Texas Mom's Motive for Killing Her Daughters, According to Her Husband

The husband of a Texas woman who fatally shot their two daughters last week believes his wife committed the crime because she "wanted to see him suffer," according to a news conference Wednesday.

On her husband Jason's birthday, Christy Sheats, 42, called a "family meeting" in their living room and began shooting at their daughters, Taylor, 22, and Madison, 17. Jason pleaded with her to stop, but she continued shooting, eventually killing both of them. Police later killed Sheats after she refused to drop her weapon. Her husband was not physically injured during the attack.

Along with a flurry of other details, Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls revealed Wednesday that Christy and Jason Sheats had been having marriage troubles since 2012, when Christy Sheats's grandfather — the person who raised her — died. The two had been on a "downward spiral" ever since, and were constantly on the verge of getting a divorce. Even prior to 2012, the couple had been separated multiple times over the course of their 20-year marriage. In fact, Jason Sheats at first believed his wife was gathering everyone in the living room so she could tell their daughters about the split.

"We asked Mr. Sheats for a motive in his own words," Nehls said, according to NBC. "He stated that he felt Christy wanted him to suffer."

Nehls then added that while Christy Sheats had "ample time and opportunity to shoot and kill" her husband, "she [actively] chose not to."

"Mr. Sheats stated that Christy knew how much he loved Taylor and Madison and how much they loved him," he continued. "By killing his children, Mr. Sheats will have to live the rest of his life with this horrible memory."

At this time, Jason Sheats is not speaking with the press. However, Nehls said during the news conference on his behalf that "[Christy Sheats] accomplished what she set out to do, and that is to make him suffer."

Please, shere.

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