Man rapes woman looking for a job in order to go to prison and get even with the killer of his 14-ye


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("By: Feng Qian

Man rapes woman looking for a job in order to go to prison and get even with the killer of his 14-ye

man admitted to raping a woman who was looking for a job, in order to get himself locked up in prison and get even with the man who killed his son, according to police in Florida.

Now, 49-year-old Joel Jones of Riviera, has been sentenced to serve 25 years in prison after being convicted of rape.

According to the police investigation, Jones met the victim after she responded to Craigslist ad, looking to work for his cleaning company.

On the night of the attack, Jones lured the woman to a doctor’s office for a cleaning job. Jones showed her the rooms that she was supposed to clean, and then raped her at knifepoint.

Jones then called the police on himself, saying that he raped the woman in order to get locked up in prison, where he will be able to confront the killer of his 14-year-old son".

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Hony Sing
My roomate's sister makes $86 an hour on the internet . She has been without work for 5 months but last month her pay was $17168 just working on the internet for a few hours. linked here..... OPEN this link ....... ......
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