One Simple Shampoo Which Will Make Your Hair Grow Like Crazy with Shine and Volume


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"The hair, especially in women, is one of the most prominent elements of beauty. Yet, as we constantly treat it with heat, including straightening, curling, dyeing, blow-drying, our hair’s quality is significantly reduced and it becomes damaged, dry and has split ends.

One Simple Shampoo Which Will Make Your Hair Grow Like Crazy with Shine and Volume

Fortunately, there is a natural hair shampoo that will restore its shine, volume and health in no time! The homemade recipe that we are offering today provides fantastic results in a very short period. Namely, after a month, your hair will be significantly improved.

This shampoo provides remarkable effects for your hair, due to its powerful and healthy ingredients. Namely, its compounds contain high medicinal properties, so their combination simply does miracles for the hair and scalp!

Nettle: Nettle is one of the most efficient remedies for the health of your scalp and hair. It stimulates the blood flow in the scalp and thus accelerates hair growth.

Castor Oil: This remarkable oil is high in vitamin E and ricinoleic acid. It promotes a healthy hair growth, and due to its potent antibacterial and antifungal properties, it prevents the formation of dandruff, as well as bacteria proliferation on the scalp.

Panthenol: The pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, promotes a healthy scalp and stimulates the regeneration process of your hair.

This is how to prepare it:


750ml plain nettle shampoo
2 ampoules vitamin B
30ml aqueous solution of AD drops
50ml castor oil
100ml aqueous solution of panthenol
30ml nettle drops
Method of preparation:

You need a 1l bottle. Mix the ingredients listed above and pour the mixture in it. In order to be sure that they are blended entirely, shake it well.


Shake the bottle well before use. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair and massage gently. Then, leave it on to act for a few minutes, and then wash it off.

If you want, you can apply a dry mask afterwards, but it is not necessary, as the shampoo already has the needed ingredients, like nettle, AD drops and castor oil, that will address the issue of the dryness of your hair.

Moreover, you should also consume nettle tea, as it raises the blood count and regulates your hormonal levels, and both of these issues cause hair loss".

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