Mother and son fall in love after meeting 30 yrs later; plan marriage and babies


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It is said that fact is stranger than fiction, and this is one of those instances that prove the adage true.

Mother and son fall in love after meeting 30 yrs later; plan marriage and babies

ccording to a report by The New Day, a mother who gave up her newborn son for adoption over 30 years ago is now trying for a baby with him. This was after the two reunited and fell in love.

Kim West, 51, was just 19 when her son was born and was forced to give her son, Ben Ford, up for adoption within a week. Nothing transpired for the next 30-odd years. But when Ford sent a letter to his bilogical mom in 2013, the two started forming a bond. The pair have been together for around two years now, they want to get married and are even trying for a baby together.

Now 32, Ford was actually married when he got in touch with his biological mother. The two started exchanging phone calls, during which the two felt like they’d known each other for years. West, an interior designer, realised her attraction for Ford, but confused about her feelings, she decided to look it up, and came across an article on Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA).

That’s when she realised that the feelings she was having for her son was GSA and not incest. GSA is sexual attraction between close relatives, such as siblings or half-siblings, a parent and offspring, or first and second cousins, who first meet as adults. The two decided to meet in a hotel “where they ordered alcohol and after a bottle of champagne shared their first kiss”, says a report. Soonafter, Ford split with Victoria, his wife of two years, to be with his mom. West told the New Day that sex with Ben was “incredible and mind-blowing… This is not incest, it is GSA. We are like peas in a pod and meant to be together…I know people will say we’re disgusting, that we should be able to control our feelings, but when you’re hit by a love so consuming you are willing to give up everything for it, you have to fight for it.”

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