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Singer dies during concert after being bitten by venomous snake she used as part of her performance


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"A popular singer in Indonesia, died while performing on stage after being bitten by a venomous snake and refusing medical attention.

Singer dies during concert after being bitten by venomous snake she used as part of her performance

The incident unfolded on Sunday night, as 29-year-old Irma Bule was singing at a concert in Karawang.

Irma, who was known to dance with snakes on stage as part of her act, brought a king cobra along to perform at the concert. In the middle of her second song, Irma stepped on the tail of the snake.

As a result, the snake bit Irma on her thigh. Rather than seeking immediate medical attention, Irma continued with her singing.

At first, she was not affected by the bite, and even refused to take an antidote. After 45 minutes, Irma began to vomited, had convulsions, and her entire body began to shake.

She was rushed to a nearby hospital, but unfortunately, she was pronounced dead. She died as a result of the snake bite, doctors said".

Fuente: www.worldwideweirdnews.com
WARNING: Lizzie made this note and was not rated by users as credible.
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