An Inventor Has Created A Dildo For Widows That Stores Their Partners Ashes


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There's a lot of room for ingenuity in the modern world. It's how you make a name for yourself.

An Inventor Has Created A Dildo For Widows That Stores Their Partners Ashes

Whether you're the clever bastard that came up with Muller corner yogurts (fucking mega) or the person who patented the see-through toaster, ingenuity is always evident.

Some ideas, however, really come from outside the box. Like really, really outside the box.

Mark Sturkenboom, for example, created a device which is said to help widows get over the loss of their husbands.

It is, of course, a vibrator designed to hold the ashes of their dead partners - named '21 Grams'.

Strukenboom commented on his website that the device can help recreate 'intimate memories of a lost beloved one'.

It comes packaged in a fancy cabinet, complete with room for an iPhone, a perfume container, a built in music player and a key to lock and unlock it.

So, erm, yeah. There's that...

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