VIDEO: Tiger roars through Doha traffic jam


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A tiger was spotted wandering through a traffic jam on one of Doha’s busiest roads today, and government officials said they would investigate the incident after footage appeared online.

VIDEO: Tiger    roars    through Doha traffic jam

Pictures and video showing the tiger roaming among cars on the Doha Expressway flooded social media in the tiny Gulf country.

Footage including a 20-second video on YouTube and Twitter showed the big cat running through lanes of heavy traffic, apparently trying to find a way off the congested road.

Footage also emerged showing the tiger initially falling onto the road from a moving truck.

The interior ministry took to Twitter to say it was investigating the incident.

“We assure all that the concerned authorities (are) following up with what has been trending over spotting a tiger in some areas of the country,” it tweeted.

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