Miss Universe judge to Miss Colombia: You're not Miss Universe

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Celebrity blogger and Miss Universe 2015 judge Perez Hilton said the Philippines's Pia Wurtzbach is indeed the true winner of the pageant.

Miss Universe judge to Miss Colombia: You're not Miss Universe

In the latest episode of his Perez Hilton Podcast with Chris Booker, the blogger broke his silence about the beauty contest, made controversial by the results mix-up of show host Steve Harvey.

"Miss Philippines won fair and square," Perez said, adding that he voted for Pia to win the pageant.

"And actually, I found out afterwards, it was unanimous. Every single judge on that panel, all four of us, voted for Miss Philippines to be number one," he shared.

He also said, "I will go on the record now and state that Colombia was the most beautiful contestant. But I don't think she deserved to win the title, and she didn't win the title, for a variety of reasons."
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Perez said he observed the contestants in their "total package," noting that he knew who the top 15 candidates were even before they were announced.

"And I have to say... here's the difference between Miss Philippines and Miss Colombia: Miss Philippines came to win, Miss Colombia came to lose," he said.

Perez added: "Colombia came there as if she already won. And that's sexy also... But I think that she came there thinking she would really win. Whereas Miss Philippines came with something to prove."

He admitted he did not think Pia would "rock" the swimsuit competition, noting that Ariadna was one of his frontrunners. However, he said the Pinay beauty queen managed to surprise him.

"She owed it. And I was like, 'Wow, she is rocking this'," Perez said of Pia's performance in the swimsuit competition.

However, Perez revealed it was during the final question and answer portion where he went from supporting Colombia to wanting Philippines to win.

"I didn't know if the people at home could see this, but Miss Colombia was being straight-up, diva bitch rude to her translator," he said. "She was giving him like the most awful side eye, throwing him major shade because Colombia was not happy with the pace or the way the translator is translating."

But Perez said that's not the reason why he thinks Pia did better than Ariadna during that round of the pageant.

"It's just that Philippines gave a better answer. It was the second time she gave a great answer... And at that point, I just felt like wow, she really brought her A-game and was super competitive. But also, she deserved it. Like, deserves it."

"She is Miss Universe," Perez said of Pia.

He continued, "Whereas the Miss Colombia, you're Sofia Vergara. You're not Miss Universe," noting the resemblance of Colombian-American "Modern Family" actress to Ariadna.

"It's spooky how much she looks like Sofia Vergara, whereas this other girl, she was just being herself and not trying to emulate anybody else."

"She really earned it," he said of Pia.

He noted, however, Ariadna may probably have a more successful career than Pia after Miss Universe.

"Miss Philippines is the perfect Miss Universe, but I really think that Miss Colombia could go on and be like Sofia Vergara and be a crossover success in the US."

Perez said he was shocked when Harvey first announced Miss Colombia won the pageant.

"I still find it very hard that he could mess up that badly," Perez said of Harvey.

Perez was also a judge at the Miss USA in 2009.

Fuente: www.philstar.com
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